"The Jungle Book" is directed by Jon Favreau ( director of Iron Man, Chef, etc.) follows the story of Mowgli, an orphaned "man-cub" who is raised by wolves in the Indian jungle. Mowgli has to be taken to a "man-village" before the villainous tiger Shere Khan can kill him. However, on his journey back to the world of man, Mowgli encounters many different animals, some who are friendly towards him and others who aren't as kind in their intentions. After Shere Khan threatens Mowgli's family and friends, he returns to defend those he loves.
This movie was really impressive overall- not only did it pay homage to the original Disney version, but they also tried to incorporate elements from Rudyard Kipling's classic novel. I also feel like this movie was much more of a step-up from Disney's other live action version of this story that was released back in 1994. While that movie was more like "The Jungle Book" meets "Tarzan" this one seemed to be more to the point. I also saw a lot of similarities in this film to the classic short "Mowgli's Brothers" which was released in 1976 and was animated by the late, great Chuck Jones.
Mowgli and Baloo [found on Google Images] |
Jason Scott Lee as Mowgli in "Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book" in 1994 [found on Google Images] |
Mowgli saying goodbye to his mother, Raksha. A very emotional scene that displays Sethi's acting skills at their finest. [found on Google Images] |
Dangers of all shapes and sizes wait for Mowgli in the Jungle. Shere Khan pictured above, Kaa below. [found on Google Images] |
As you can see, I have plenty to say about this film. I thought it defied my expectations and made me a believer that the rest of Disney's live action adaptions may just be worth giving a shot. I give "The Jungle Book" 4 out of 5 stars; it's definitely worth checking out!
Now I am even more excited about seeing it than I already was :)