Friday, April 10, 2020

Guess Who's Back

Well… Long time no see everyone. 

     Thanks to our good friend the ‘Rona I, like everyone else on the planet, am hunkering down 
in my apartment the best I can to avoid getting sick or being around other people, and I am 
running out of things to do. Of course I’m active on social media- ridiculously active, to be 
honest; and I’m doing other things to stay busy like tidying and cleaning, crafting face masks, 
and all that jazz. But despite all of that I’m finding myself further and further in the throws of 
boredom and abject dread because of the state of the world. So what better way to distract 
myself from everything awfulin life than watch movies that are awful in their own special 

     I came up with the idea from watching YouTube- I stumbled on to a channel called “Nyx 
Fears” that features a video entitled “movies no one should ever watch under any 
circumstances”. I have since fallen in love with this channel as well as May, the wonderful 
vlogger who shares all sorts of cool things with her viewers and highly recommend it to other 
people who dig different types of cinema and are interested in learning about some flicks 
that are definitely outside the box. Follow this link to her channel:

So, since I was feeling inspired by this video, and curious about some of the titles that are discussed, and I was intrigued by the thought of distracting myself from everything awful going on in the world right now with things that are either so bad they’re good, strange and unusual, or straight up disturbing that it will break me on such a level that the world seems a lot less horrible. So that’s what I’m going to be focusing on- movies that will distract myself and hopefully others from our current reality. The upcoming series will be called “Brain Breakers” and I’ve split up the films I’ll be watching into 3 categories named after the unified weight classes in MMA because let’s face it- after this my mind will have taken a beating. 

Before I list the classes and the intended movies that I’ll be viewing, just know that these 
could change depending on film availability. Thanks to the Internet most, if not all, should be 
easy enough to procure, but the more heavy and obscure we get, the harder it will be to 
guarantee that I’ll be able to find some of them. Now, on to the movie list!

Class 1: Lightweight
Movies in this category will be on the lighter-side of viewing (like you couldn’t already tell). 
These films will be notoriously cheesy, low-budget gems that have been discussed at length 
from other critics and film junkies. I’m playing it safe in this category, folks. The movies I have 
planned for this weight class are: 

Class 2: Middleweight
These films are a little more obscure, and a lot more graphic and disturbing.
This is where the rubber hits the road, my friends. 

Class 3: Heavyweight
Okay, this is where I will be treading into really uncomfortable and brain-breaking territory. 
The films that I (currently) have planned have a reputation for being very alarming. In talking
about these films, I honestly don’t expect any of you to follow me down this rabbit hole as it’s 
going to get messy. These films are taboo for a reason, after all. 

As I mentioned before, some of these titles; especially the ones in the Heavyweight 
category could change- I do have a list of alternate films to pop into their places if I can’t find a 
copy of them anywhere. Also, just for the sake of playing it safe NONE of these films are 
family friendly for multiple reasons, so don't think your 8 year old can join you in watching 
"Felidae" or any of these flicks, assuming you get curious and want to see what all the fuss is 

Anyway, having said all of that, be expecting reviews from the Lightweight class within the 
next week or so. Let’s get broken, fellas!

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